Monday, April 13, 2009

Well, I have got to get better at doing this. I have a couple of things to blog about right now.

First and foremost, I would have to say I am proud of our US Military. I am sure many of you heard that on Easter, 3 US Navy SEAL Snipers shot and killed 3 of the 4 pirates that were holding the Captain of that hijacked vessel hostage. As more and more reports come out about it, I am more and more proud of our military. Those of you who know me know that I have a huge amount of respect for our men and women in uniform. I make it a habit to stop and thank a solider every time I see one. I also tried to join the United States Navy while in High School. I passed everything except the hearing test. For those of you who may not know, I have no hearing in my right ear. I have been that way all my life... well.... since I was 6 months old. I had spinal meningitis, but that is a post for another time. Anyway, I want to encourage all of you to thank a solider when you see them. The looks they give are wonderful because I am sure they do not hear thank you enough.

Secondly, I have finally broken down and decided that I need to loose weight. I went to the docs a couple of days ago and was embarrassed when I stepped on the scale. 284 pounds. YIKES!! I run out of breath while going up the stairs and also when I walk for a while. I want to be able to run with Elijah when he gets older. So, my goal is to loose 10 pounds by the end on the month. I have been able to start the weight loss process. I use to snack (by snack, have 2 sandwiches at 10 PM) and eat out all the time. I have now cut out the snacking (now I eat carrots and oranges) and whenever we go out to eat, I ALWAYS do what I can to get a salad or some sort of grilled chicken.

So I will keep everyone updated. I will also try to post more later!
